An Independence Day is an annual event commemorating the anniversary of a nation's assumption of independent statehood, usually after ceasing to be a group or part of another nation or state; more rarely after the end of a military occupation. Most countries observe their respective independence days as a national holiday, and in some cases the observance date is controversial or contested.
Pakistan’s Independence Day, which is annually held on August 14, celebrates the country’s independence from the British rule on that date in 1947. This day is an occasion to promote patriotism and national unity.
The month of independence has started and people have started the preparations for celebration,,,,,,the nation t.v's symbol have been colored green and white, national sons have been played
,,,,,,but in my eyes the spirit that once i felt in my childhood seems very low in present day scenario. There may be many possibilities for it,,,,,the current economic situation of Pakistan have made it difficult for the common men to meet his every day needs. The water and energy crisis are playing its own part in this regard,,,,,and most importantly the law and order situation is getting worst by the day,,,,,,,blood is shedind more every coming day,,,,,,,,may be this may be the reason why the spirit may be felling lil low then the past,,,,,,,,,but i hope the is much more better for Pakistan to come.......and the same national spirit will be then restored again. Inshahullah.
Pakistan Zindabad
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